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Free Huey Recipe Books + Zolii Candy

Free Huey Recipe Books + Zolii Candy

Selected hosts for this exclusive party will be treated to a party pack valued at $75 or more, featuring a delightful assortment of Zollipops, Zaffy Taffy, Zolli Ball Pops, Zolli Gummeez, Zolli Caramelz, Zolli Dark Chocolate Caramelz, Zolli Stickers, Valentines & Coupons, a complimentary HuePets 2.0 Download, the latest Huey Recipe Book, a Digital HueTrition® Cook Book, a Downloadable Coloring Book, a HuePets Plushie, digital brochures, coupons, and extra surprises for guests. Also included is a comprehensive Party Host Guide to assist you in planning and executing a memorable event. Elevate your party experience with our exclusive pack, filled with joy and flavor!

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